$CORP loyalty
Because community is everything… again!
Be pay for your engagement
You have 100 followers or more on Twitter?
Become a $CORP loyalty ambassador and earn my social money for free!
Just reach 3k $CORP and scoop some exclusive JPGfam piece (price is normally 0.015ETH)
What you have to do?
– Like and RT my stuff… That’s all! Pretty stunning isn’t it?
Feel free to also engage by commenting or tweeting about me @corpega 🙂
There are 3 tiers available. You’re paid according the number of followers you have.
There is a dedicated channel on my Discord. You need to claim your role there.
*Ambassadors must be loyals… Those who undo RT or worst unfollow me will be fired forever!

Learn more about $CORP coin
bronze tier
you have 100-999 followersEngagement <10 RT/month
silver tier
you have 1000-2999 followersEngagement <10 RT/month
gold tier
you have 3000+ followersEngagement <10 RT/month
OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart
© 2023 corpega.com