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Revival attempt

Revival attempt

Revival attempt Token ID #6 ─ 1/1PNG. 8172x4086px. 2022. Mitch is rescuing C.J. near a gentle crocodile… But off-screen corpega is watching 👀 Minted on the corpega corp. smart contract Back corpega OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart © 2023
Fuck hopium

Fuck hopium

Fuck hopium Token ID #5 ─ 1/1PNG. 4352x5983px. 2022. The message is right in front of you… Don’t be distracted. Minted on the corpega corp. smart contract Back corpega OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart © 2023
Hopefully sold out

Hopefully sold out

Hopefully sold out Token ID #4 ─ 1/1PNG. 2480x3498px. 2022. The art was there… Not sure about the public. Minted on the corpega corp. smart contract Back corpega OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart © 2023
See further

See further

See further Token ID #3 ─ 1/1PNG. 2634x2408px. 2022. This is not your average billboard isn’t it? Fucking meta! Minted on the corpega corp. smart contract Back corpega OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart © 2023
corpega’s birth

corpega’s birth

Corpega’s birth Token ID #2 ─ 1/1PNG. 3000x2300px. 2022. PX99 is dead but corpega is alive. Life cycle. End of story. Minted on the corpega corp. smart contract Back corpega OG & self-proclaimed prophet of cryptoart © 2023